Hi guys,
I'm having issues with a site where I am trying to set up SSL.
It's pretty important, this site helps organize medication sending to people in need and this web app helps organize it.
REQUEST_DATE: 2022-05-04 13:46:24
OS_VERSION: CentOS 8.5.2111 x86_64(Py3.7.9)
REQUEST_URI: POST /acme?action=apply_cert_api
REQUEST_FORM: {'domains': '["mydomain.com","*.mydomain.com"]', 'auth_type': 'http', 'auth_to': '1', 'auto_wildcard': '0', 'id': '1'}
USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/init.py", line 1628, in publicObject
return run_exec().run(toObject, defs, get)
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/init.py", line 1576, in run
result = getattr(toObject,get.action)(get)
File "class/acme_v2.py", line 1334, in apply_cert_api
check_result = self.check_auth_env(args, check=True)
File "class/acme_v2.py", line 1426, in check_auth_env
raise public.returnMsg(False, 'ACME_PAN_DOMAIN_ERR')
TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException