aapanel_sniper Good afternoon, Sir. Except for your own installed Web environment, PHP, MySQL or Java that may conflict with the environment in AAPanel, there are no restrictions on the rest, and you can theoretically install them.
aaP_kienvictory aapanel_sniper Pls import ImunifyAV or ClamAV to panel, because it's really necessary
imomen hi, i try but have error [root@a]# bash imav-deploy.sh Detecting ostype... centos Checking for an update to imav-deploy.sh Downloading imav-deploy.sh.repo_version (please wait) imav-deploy.sh is already the latest version (2.35) - continuing [2021-04-09 17:02:57] ImunifyAV has not detected any compatible hosting panel as well as integration.conf file to run the installation without a panel. Please, follow the instructions on https://docs.imunifyav.com/stand_alone_mode