I just bought this plugin I do the necessary I authorize the API I install on the panel and the app and when scanning it tells me qr code incorrect?

    Hello, please click the Fix button on the panel and then open the plug-in to scan the code with your mobile phone

    7 days later

    people ask for everything free on an already "free" control panel... kek 🤣

    • Kasi replied to this.

      I would buy it only with lifetime purchase 😅

      Brilliant idea. But sadly doesn't work for me.

      I've paid for the app for a year
      I've enabled API
      I've installed the app
      I've bound my account
      I've used the "Buy Now" component and redeemed by voucher
      I've opened Settings on the web panel
      I've opened the app on my iPhone
      I've scanned the QR code
      Nothing changes on the computer screen
      On the phone, there's a short delay and then a message to say "Binding Timeout"

      I've tried using "Fix" on the Control Panel
      I've turned API on and off
      I've tried with a whitelist IP address (and checked I was using that one)
      I've uninstalled and reinstalled the aaPanel Mobile addon
      I've hard rebooted the iPhone
      The iPhone app version is 1.0.2 (Latest at time of writing this post)
      The Control panel version is 6.8.9 (Latest at time of writing this post)

      I appreciate this is relatively new. How can I further troubleshoot, please?

        • [deleted]

        aaPanel_thisyear would be nice to show respect and read his entire post before replying, he already wrote:

        The iPhone app version is 1.0.2 (Latest at time of writing this post)

        aaPanel_thisyear Thanks for the reply. I have found that when panel SSL is enabled, I can't perform the pairing.

        I've tried with and without the custom domain name. (So IP address or vanity URL)

        I have SSL for that domain working for the domain, but when I try to enable it for the panel, I get a Red Cross and no error message.

        I don't think the issue is therefore with the app, but my configuration of SSL for the panel. Will raise my challenge on the SSL panel config in a more appropriate thread since this on relates to the aaPanel mobile app