I need to run this cron task:

/www/server/php/73/bin/php /www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --root=/www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/web --uri=https://staging.dpmk.sk cron

this should run through php cli.
I am receiving this message in my log:

[preflight] The following restricted PHP modes have non-empty values: {disable_functions}. This configuration is incompatible with drush. {Please check your configuration settings in /www/server/php/73/etc/php.ini or in your drush.ini file; see examples/example.drush.ini for details.}

Is it possible tu run this cron task?


Thank you, it seems it works now.
There are no error message and successfull notice in the log.

Can this task run thgough PHP CLI?
Which syntax should I use?

    murin Hello, brother, try to change the user root to the www user. The file permissions of the site are for the www user. If it still doesn’t work, you can contact me by email bt_dapao@qq.com

    Hello, brother,

    I have supposed, that when I add a cron job through aaPanel, it will automatically add this jobs under www user in linux. Probably it is not working like that.

    So, I have added a tasks under the user www by running command:
    crontab -e -u www

    */15 * * * * /www/server/php/73/bin/php /www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --root=/www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/web --uri=https://staging.dpmk.sk cron

    @reboot /www/server/php/73/bin/php -f /www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/transdata_fetcher/fetcher.php

    But when I run this command as a root from console:
    /www/server/php/73/bin/php /www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --root=/www/wwwroot/staging.dpmk.sk/web --uri=https://staging.dpmk.sk cron,

    I receive this message:

    [preflight] The following restricted PHP modes have non-empty values: {disable_functions}. This configuration is incompatible with drush. {Please check your configuration settings in /www/server/php/73/etc/php.ini or in your drush.ini file; see examples/example.drush.ini for details.}