Rocky Linux or oracle could maybe be good alternatives. Also, cloudlinux is making a fork of centos
Is that possible to continue using centos with aapanel?
phxwolf yeah... sure
but i confuse how aapanel will act about this... since the aapanel build based on centos...
is they will create another aapanel version that made from other than centos on future?
Centos Stream will be OK and stable
KrzysztofMaciejewski ummm sorry what you mean? i didn't get it
Dhanamerdeka i mean that we can use Centos Steam in the future.
No need to migrate
KrzysztofMaciejewski i see....
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CentOS Stream has nothing to do with a production OS and is not a viable replacement for CentOS Linux.
CentOS Stream is not suited for production use.
Stop pushing that to people, if you're ignorant enough to think that, do it, don't pollute other people saying CentOS Stream is the same than CentOS Linux.
A simple example can be brought here from the own Red Hat blog, where they announce the new direction.
Amongst the blah blah, you can see this:
Before we jump into details, it’s worth sharing examples where we’ve seen our ecosystem embrace CentOS Stream as a "rolling preview" of what’s next in RHEL, both in terms of kernels and features. Facebook runs millions of servers supporting its vast global social network, all of which have been migrated (or are migrating) to an operating system they derive from CentOS Stream.
- Centos Stream = Rolling preview. Not a finished production/capable OS
- "an operative system THEY DERIVE from CentOS Stream" is what is used, not CentOS Stream;
This is not to be confused with "using CentOS Stream", nor anywhere you'll see companies using CentOS Stream as a production operative system.
CentOS Stream is a release candidate. Companies that have millions of dollars to pour on development will make their own distros from the Stream. Like Google develops Google Linux from debian-testing.
The lack of understanding of this by some people makes it very troublesome and worrying.
RockyLinux may be a production OS derived from CentOS Stream;
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux, CoreOS, CloudLinux and many others WILL DERIVE FROM CentOS Stream. DERIVE is a key term.
CentOS Stream IS NOT A PRODUCTION OPERATIVE SYSTEM, NEITHER IT SHOULD BE USED AS SUCH. Its matured derivatives are, and should.
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Those who are using CentOS 7, they have 3 years to move to New OS. Just chill
maverick "if you're ignorant enough to think that" ??
i just asking...
on my country we not even talking on english, so information like that harder to find since english not my first language...
that's why i asking this to this forum... so i can know what or how about something that i didn't even know at all...
if you roleplaying people that know anything and says "ignorant" to other's people who lack on information...
you can create a post and talking shit on there.... don't came to my post again... i just want to know much about anything especially anything that have some correlation towards aapanel....
ViperBlood ahhh i see...
so they move to what? can you mention the name of new OS?
or if you lazy enough you can give some link that i can read
better move to ubuntu lts immediately
Dhanamerdeka As other users mentioning Ubuntu (highly recommended), then Rocky linux (centos fork - under development), Debian.
I've 3 years to think (in that time may be few more centos OS fork arrive)
ganteng okay
ViperBlood ahh i see... thanks XD
Dhanamerdeka I said ignorance in general, wasn't talking specifically about you. "If you're an ignorant to think that" applies to anyone who reads the sentence, who MAY or MAY NOT identify with it. Its a figure of speech.
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Both of those OS I said are built from the centos (Red hat) repository so It would not take that much to convert it. Also, Centos 8 stream is not stable. Red hat the owner of centos said in their announcement centos8 stream is a test version for their red hat enterprise version. Your choices are rollback to centos 7 or use Debian 10. We will have to see where aapanel takes us. I have been using Debian 10 for my test builds only but if they could just get the bugs out of aapanel for Debian 10 it would be a perfect fir for a replacement.
phxwolf i see... from first time i using Aapanel... i using Centos 8
and yeah, so many bug,
but after it... 2nd try, i using centos 7 until now...
and no big problem happen so fat....
Centos is/was good stuff, but I would really recommend to focus on Debian-like distros to spread this good piece of code.
i agree