skorupion Hello, i would like to set up with SSL on with SSL now how do i do it precisely? @aaPanel_Jose
aaPanel_Jose skorupion Sorry, there is no such tutorial yet, you can refer to the official documentation for configuration
aaP_ersonusainibhadra How to install rocket chat via docker module in aapanel I need help docker-compose file work with docker module in aapanel
aaPanel_Kern aaP_ersonusainibhadra Hello, you can refer to this tutorial:
aaP_ersonusainibhadra aaPanel_Kern i need sample file for install rocketchat via docker module like nextcloud docker
aaP_ersonusainibhadra I need same tutorials for rocketchat or mattermost or portainer
aaPanel_Kern aaP_ersonusainibhadra Hello, suggest you write it yourself. Nextcloud is just an example of how to use Docker Compose