• Support
  • Deployment failed in wordpress installs

I was also notified of some problems with viruses. It can only be in WordPress, I'm not sure if you have relationship. But of 2 completely different people

other thing, an installation is with viruses in 2 sites, but the XSS protection is enabled and the .user.ini is with root user permission (644). And one of these 2 sites has few plugins. I think that's weird because how would it contaminate both?
the passwords aren't the same too

more tips:
I have some docker panels (+ traefik) to my own usage.

My certificate don't expired in the traefik but in the aapanel, it is showing a Browser error page that says the certificate expired and how I use HSTS I cannot access the page, but in the cloudflare the HSTS is disabled. When I turn off SSL by bt command, the traefik shows 404 because I think the aapanel changes the port to 7800.

a widespread problem across multiple VPS and containers with no relationship to each other

apparently, if it is a vulnerability, with these tests, we can rule out the SSH and FTP that are (externally) turned off on that server with docker and traefik. the allowed external ports are the aapanel panel, phpmyadmin, 80 and 443 ports.

Hello, it is recommended that you use WP Toolkit for deployment.
WordPress deployment of website interface does not support PHP8 or above
About virus, we recommend you provide more information, where to prompt and what virus is prompted?
Access prompt 404, is it bound to a subdomain? IP access will be prohibited if the domain name is bound.
By default, aapanel uses a self-signed certificate. Does the browser not trust the self-signed certificate?



I'm using both the "website" and "WP toolkit" interfaces to try deploy. I tried many php versions including php 7 and php 8 and I did a clean aapanel install in a virtual machine and it is not working.

It's a simple php virus that adds (with php script) many links for other websites. But I'm with XSS protection and the virus spread in other sites.

About the 404, I don't remember if it was with a domain vinculated to the panel entrance or if the traefik adds it after. But I tried the bt command without SSL with curl (see the print) and it's showing 404.

It was with the same certificate of traefik that is a letsencryt. But something changes it to another cert.


About the 404 site:
I reinstall the panel inside the docker and it works.
I have a routine that updates the panel automatically, I think it is working because the docker images was in the 7.0.15 version.
But some persisted files can corrupt the panel sometimes. Some measures to avoid these problems are do a bt 16 in the containers after update the images. But in this case was needed to reinstall the panel with the aapanel install command like below.

But it shows a warning that says that it's a dangerous command and I would like to put this command all time when update. Maybe making this command safe would be good, not only to my case but to restore broken panels. It's not the first time that I use this.

I'm starting to think that is not a "widespread problem across multiple VPS and containers". I think they are isolated problems that occurs at the same time.

About the 404 error, it's partially solved, because I renewed the SSL certificates in the "settings" interface and in the traefik, but it shows "Certificate is valid" but shows too "the connection is not secure". In the old days, I renewed that way and it worked.

Best regards,

    Hello, WP Toolkit failed to deploy the website, please check if there is any error message in /tmp/schedule.log and Logs --> Panel Logs --> Run logs?
    The warning prompt for installing aaPanel should be checked that Nginx is running, so you can ignore it


    Here are all the logs in the "Run Logs":

    [2025-02-10 14:55:39][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.whitelist
    [2025-02-10 14:55:39][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.blacklist
    [2025-02-10 15:19:52][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'
    [2025-02-10 15:20:06][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'
    [2025-02-10 15:20:55][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'
    [2025-02-10 15:21:00][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'
    [2025-02-10 15:21:07][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'
    [2025-02-11 17:24:45][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.whitelist
    [2025-02-11 17:24:45][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.blacklist
    [2025-02-11 21:25:44][DEBUG] - []
    [2025-02-11 21:26:19][DEBUG] - [{'title': 'Installation configuration', 'dk_deepseek_r1_cmd_log': '/tmp/deepseek_r1_sf001.log', 'template': [{'field': [{'attr': 'DOMAIN', 'name': 'domain', 'type': 'textarea', 'default': '', 'suffix': '浏览器访问的域名', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'DOMAIN_LIST', 'name': 'domain', 'type': 'list', 'default': [], 'suffix': '', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'DISABLE_DOMAIN', 'name': "Don't use a domain name", 'type': 'number', 'default': True, 'suffix': 'If selected, domain names will not be mapped', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'ALLOW_ACCESS', 'name': 'Allow external access', 'type': 'number', 'default': True, 'suffix': 'Allows direct access through IP+ ports', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'VERSION', 'name': 'Selection model', 'type': 'select', 'default': '1.5b', 'items': [{'title': '1.5b', 'value': '1.5b'}, {'title': '7b', 'value': '7b'}, {'title': '8b', 'value': '8b'}, {'title': '14b', 'value': '14b'}, {'title': '32b', 'value': '32b'}, {'title': '70b', 'value': '70b'}, {'title': '671b', 'value': '671b'}], 'suffix': 'Choose the model that is right for your server', 'width': '100px', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'WEBUI_PORT', 'name': 'web port', 'type': 'number', 'default': '', 'suffix': 'openwebui web port', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'OLLAMA_PORT', 'name': 'service port', 'type': 'number', 'default': '', 'suffix': 'ollama service port', 'unit': ''}, {'attr': 'WEBUI_SECRET_KEY', 'name': 'SecretKey', 'type': 'password', 'default': 'BeexphZkwbydndr8', 'suffix': 'Auto-generated WebUI Secret Key', 'width': '200px', 'unit': ''}], 'sorted': [['VERSION'], ['WEBUI_PORT'], ['OLLAMA_PORT'], ['WEBUI_SECRET_KEY']], 'type': 'deepseek_r1', 'tid': 'install_config@0', 'title': 'DeepSeek-R1 disposition', 'name': 'install_config'}]}]
    [2025-02-11 21:26:19][DEBUG] - [{"title": "Installation configuration", "dk_deepseek_r1_cmd_log": "/tmp/deepseek_r1_sf001.log", "template": [{"field": [{"attr": "DOMAIN", "name": "domain", "type": "textarea", "default": "", "suffix": "\u6d4f\u89c8\u5668\u8bbf\u95ee\u7684\u57df\u540d", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "DOMAIN_LIST", "name": "domain", "type": "list", "default": [], "suffix": "", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "DISABLE_DOMAIN", "name": "Don't use a domain name", "type": "number", "default": true, "suffix": "If selected, domain names will not be mapped", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "ALLOW_ACCESS", "name": "Allow external access", "type": "number", "default": true, "suffix": "Allows direct access through IP+ ports", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "VERSION", "name": "Selection model", "type": "select", "default": "1.5b", "items": [{"title": "1.5b", "value": "1.5b"}, {"title": "7b", "value": "7b"}, {"title": "8b", "value": "8b"}, {"title": "14b", "value": "14b"}, {"title": "32b", "value": "32b"}, {"title": "70b", "value": "70b"}, {"title": "671b", "value": "671b"}], "suffix": "Choose the model that is right for your server", "width": "100px", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "WEBUI_PORT", "name": "web port", "type": "number", "default": "", "suffix": "openwebui web port", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "OLLAMA_PORT", "name": "service port", "type": "number", "default": "", "suffix": "ollama service port", "unit": ""}, {"attr": "WEBUI_SECRET_KEY", "name": "SecretKey", "type": "password", "default": "BeexphZkwbydndr8", "suffix": "Auto-generated WebUI Secret Key", "width": "200px", "unit": ""}], "sorted": [["VERSION"], ["WEBUI_PORT"], ["OLLAMA_PORT"], ["WEBUI_SECRET_KEY"]], "type": "deepseek_r1", "tid": "install_config@0", "title": "DeepSeek-R1 disposition", "name": "install_config"}]}]
    [2025-02-11 21:30:30][DEBUG] - {"install_config@0": {"DOMAIN": "", "DISABLE_DOMAIN": true, "ALLOW_ACCESS": true, "VERSION": "1.5b", "WEBUI_PORT": "", "OLLAMA_PORT": "", "WEBUI_SECRET_KEY": "BeexphZkwbydndr8", "DOMAIN_LIST": []}}
    [2025-02-11 21:33:54][DEBUG] - [{"Name":"deepseek_r1_sf001","Status":"running(2)","ConfigFiles":"/www/dk_project/dk_app/deepseek_r1/deepseek_r1_sf001/docker-compose.yml"}]
    [2025-02-11 21:33:54][DEBUG] - [{"Name":"deepseek_r1_sf001","Status":"running(2)","ConfigFiles":"/www/dk_project/dk_app/deepseek_r1/deepseek_r1_sf001/docker-compose.yml"}]
    [2025-02-11 21:43:09][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/btdockerModelV2/containerModel.py", line 1813, in get_all_stats
      File "/www/server/panel/class/simple_websocket/ws.py", line 90, in send
        raise ConnectionClosed(self.close_reason, self.close_message)
    simple_websocket.ws.ConnectionClosed: Connection closed: 1000 
    [2025-02-12 15:44:02][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.whitelist
    [2025-02-12 15:44:02][DEBUG] - Creating ipset aapanel.ipv4.blacklist
    [2025-02-12 15:45:05][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/one_key_wp_v2.py", line 1173, in deploy_wp
        d_id = values['d_id']  # 数据库ID
    KeyError: 'd_id'

    the " /tmp/schedule.log " is empty

    This is the clean aapanel install log. (I had installed the deepseek to test)

      Could you say something about the XSS protection? (This a great differential for me to use aapanel)

      About the XSS protection, I tracked the invader requests. He did a multiple xml-rpc brute force attacks in all the invaded sites. The XSS protection works fine, I see he trying to make cross site changes without success.

      One of problems solved too.


      Hi, can you give us your aapanel information? The server makes a snapshot backup first, if possible, please send it to kern@aapanel.com.
      It is recommended to fill in the following
      Post link:
      SSH IP address, account password and port:
      aapanel login link address and account password:
      Detailed problem description:

      No post link will not be able to know which user's information is, and the problem will not be processed

      The auto-install worked too, I don't know why, but I think the mysql wasn't starting. I did a backup of the mysql-bin.* files before delete, and I restarted it. Before this, the auto-install worked.

      If you want to check just install the Aapanel in a virtual Machine and try to Install the WordPress, It will give deployment failed. Restart the VM, and it will give the same error, but after start MySQL, it will work.

      The test isn't in a server to pass the access.

      I think all is solved. Thanks.