Hi, i have aapanel 7.0.11 installed and working in a production server, but recently i have this problem when i tried to renew a ssl certificate for one of our sites:
Error code:45.xxx.xxx.xxx.: Invalid response from https://mail.dominio/.well-known/acme-challenge/V2MiAqlbIK_OnCPoXXSOG-BSki-NRzygqIkSELsuViI: "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class=\"loading\" lang=\"en\" data-textdirection=\"ltr\">\n\n<head>\n <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google An"
It was working fine, but suddenly it give this error, if i chechk that location, the file is there, and if i check in the browser that url, shows the file.....i don't know why is happening right now that error....any help?....thanks!!!
PD: i disable the ssl for that site and then y select the sites for the ssl will be renewed, and that error appears, also i already did this in others sites and worked fine....this site has a valid A record....and as i said before, the renew process (manual) was working fine.....