Here is the issue.
When you create a new website and you try to navigate to it the system will come up with the Welcome to Nginx ! page instead of the Congratulations, the site is created successfully! index page.
Before version 7 it worked if you enabled the SSH.
The Welcome to Nignx! page comes up because the website cant be found. I tried several websites domain and the same issue comesup. I also reverted to a stable version, pressed the Fix and restart server button. Nothing works.
Now when you press the SSH lets encrypt button it will come with domain not found. But i can navigate to the domain and see the Nignx page as well as I see my index.html file.
The issue must be where the routing happens to the domain if it cant find it. I can provide access to the panel for testing.
I even deleted this dev site and recreated it to make sure the issue was not with my DNS.