rid3xyoy I got a problem: /www/server/cron/a8b14014384bbf034baec9ae5fe2dcb4: line 5: sudo: command not found line 5: sudo -u root bash -c '#!/bin/bash The problem is that the server does not have the sudo command installed.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, you can install it manually using the sudo command apt install sudo or yum install sudo rid3xyoy
aaPanel_Kern aaPanel_Kern Hello, you can install it manually using the sudo command apt install sudo or yum install sudo rid3xyoy
rid3xyoy aaPanel_Kern rid3xyoy If I wanted or needed it I would install it. Looking for another solution.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, is there any specific error message? It is recommended that you provide screenshots