aaP_infra-team Hi, can anyone share the SSL renew cron shell script? Thanks. im using this but not working. /www/server/panel/pyenv/bin/python -u /www/server/panel/class/acme v2.py-renew=1
aaP_infra-team aaPanel_Kern /www/server/panel/pyenv/bin/python: can't open file '/www/server/panel/class/acme': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please check whether the content you entered is correct? /www/server/panel/pyenv/bin/python -u /www/server/panel/class/acme_v2.py --renew=1 aaP_infra-team
aaPanel_Kern Automatically updated every day. Please check what is the reason why it is not updated? Please check the Cron task for error messages?
aaP_infra-team aaPanel_Kern I have told ya, this was the error msg. /www/server/panel/pyenv/bin/python: can't open file '/www/server/panel/class/acme': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
aaPanel_Kern aaP_infra-team /www/server/panel/pyenv/bin/python -u /www/server/panel/class/acme_v2.py --renew=1
Zj410 aaP_infra-team What DNS provider are you using? If you aren't using CloudFlare or CloudXns your SSL certificate will not renew automatically.