aaP_radipta289 rocky Hi, please run below command in the SSH or terminal top Then send us the result to check which process is using 100%
aaP_madtown769 rocky this i think aapanel bug, i ran into same issue, to fix it i just bt stop for 30s and see on htop or top to make sure no cores has 100% usage, then bt start
aaP_radipta289 aaP_erikator Yes, it's good. but I found a problem these days on mailcut.py that causing btpython 100% usage. Solution is posted here (worked for me) https://www.aapanel.com/forum/d/22452-bt-python-reaching-100-cpu-usage-solution
aaPanel_Kern Hello, delete this file first and then check if it is normal. ps xua|grep breaking_through_check|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 rm -f /www/server/panel/script/breaking_through_check.py exaltationarnold