feyputra I have set up the Mail Server and it is running, and I want to try connecting from my application outside the Mail Server. but it doesn't work with error: "Unable to send email using SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method" Even though I tried using https://www.gmass.co/smtp-test it was sent and I tried sending it from the application I used the Gmail SMTP server and it also sent, is there a new setting so that the Email Client cannot be sent from other applications? Please help @aaPanel_Kern
feyputra aaPanel_Kern What this means is that I implemented it in another PHP application, from Laravel/Codeigniter. I can't send via the application that I created from this framework
aaPanel_Kern Hello, check your website configuration. If the website and mail server are on the same server, it is recommended to use Host port 25 and turn off SSL/TLS. feyputra
feyputra aaPanel_Kern I have reconfigured phpmailer: ssl=>verify_peer,verify_peer_name and allow_self_signed. And it work, Thanks