aaPanel_Kern Hello, try clicking the "Fix" repair panel on the homepage interface. Can this problem be solved? aaP_admin470 a6smile aaP_kd_thietbithethao aaP_diaz.zaid20 nowadays
aaPanel_Kern Hello, thank you for your feedback, we will fix it please restart aapanel first. We will fix it. aaP_kd_thietbithethao
aaPanel_Kern Hello, if it is BT-Task, you can restart aapanel first to solve the problem temporarily. We are dealing with this problem. aaP_admin470
aaP_admin470 aaPanel_Kern Yeah, it seems to have fixed the problem. I've been monitoring it for several days after applying the fix, and it hasn't been stuck at 100% again, as far as I can tell.
aaP_admin470 aaPanel_Kern Hi, I have this condition again but now not from BT-Task but /usr/bin/dockerd. It strange because not container that causing it, the cpu usage by container is low.
aaP_simonsoft aaP_admin470 is there a fix? cpu use if 358% blocked. my only one domain hosted is crawling due to this BT-Task
aaPanel_Kern Is it possible to try manual update? rm -f /tmp/update_to7.pl && curl -k https://node.aapanel.com/install/update_7.x_en.sh | bash aaP_simonsoft