Hamka I have installed several new panels, but I have problems Can't install the latest version of Nginx version 1.26 Can't install mysql version 9.0 and 8.4 so I installed nginx version 1.25 and mysql version 8.0
aaPanel_Kern Hello, what is your operating system and version? It is recommended that you check what caused the installation log: /tmp/panelExec.log Hamka
Hamka aaPanel_Kern there are two new panels that I have installed, all like that, can't install mysql 9 and nginx 1.26 and the second panel that I have, doesn't have the file you mean /tmp/panelExec.log I use System: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS panel : 7.0.9
Hamka I have run my panel and website...it just can't install mysql 9 and nginx 1.26 as I meant above.. so I installed mysql 8 and nginx 1.25 version and it worked
aaPanel_Kern Currently, these two programs can only be installed in compiled mode. It is recommended that you use a lower version first. Hamka
aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 aaPanel_Kern happened to me also. updated to 1.26.2 and all of a sudden everything went down and i uninstalled and reinstalled.
aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 aaPanel_Kern No finally i got messed up and resinstalled. when resinstalling the error is not coming. I mean directly installing the compiled mode to 1.26.2 . problem is when you update from 1.26.1 to 1.26.2