aaP_haggis-jogger_0u Hello, the MySQL 8.0 installation is working normally, but it doesn't have any output. How can we enable it so we can know what is going on? The output doesn't have anything: The compilation process is working normally in the background:
aaP_haggis-jogger_0u aaPanel_Kern I'm using OpenLiteSpeed. Previously we installed MariaDB 10.3, which has some output. Also please note that the installation of MySQL 8.0 is succeed, it just doesn't output anything so we don't have any idea of what step it currently is.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, it is recommended that you use mysql. MariaDB installation compatibility is too low It is known that Openlitespeed on the web will clear the content after installing the software. aaP_haggis-jogger_0u