I don't know why is the file in www/server/panel/script/site_task.py

My server running 20 das very good now I can't access anymore.

Can anyone help me.

Love greetings

try clicking the repair button on the top right hand corner. Then restart the server. That should fix your issue.

Yes I repair the panel from Ssh and now after reset domain I set my domain to the old ip.

No my forum won't be able to start.

No Site_task.py not recreating. I will check the dns settings app

Okay I think I found my problem.
I have apache2 and nginx installed.

But I used apache2 as a web server.

When I performed the update, the apache2 server was deactivated and nginx was activated.

I would like to keep nginx because it is much faster than the apache2 web server.

But now all my web services are running in apache2 mode.

How do I set them up so that they run with nginx.

Unfortunately, I am not as familiar with nginx as I am with apache2.

I would be happy if someone could help me.

Greetings and thanks.

And sorry for my bad English, I'm better speak German.

    Is your nginx manually installed? You can uninstall the manually installed nginx and Apache, and then install nginx on the panel to use nignx as the webserver

    When I uninstall apache2 does nothing dns Adress not found.

      very strange. Can I log in to your panel to check?

      In addition, the /www/server/panel/script/site_task.py file does not exist and can be repair by Fix the panel

        So now i can see the site_task.py.
        And i cant open my site.

          This is the auto prompt website script for the panel
          Used to automatically stop the website after the website expires, you can see if your website has expired and been stopped