Its same problem again. I transfered all website from a server to new server both using debian as OS. Now when I get into new aapanel then I saw that DNS app is not running properly. Then I followed below solution from a article here
sorry for bothering u, i find the problem, my 53 port was bind to another process
and pdns couldn't connect to it, in order to start
if somebody else have the same problem, just use
first check if u have virb0, then disable it to stop binding dns ports
ifconfig -a
systemctl stop libvirtd.service
systemctl disable libvirtd.service
and if its this didnt helped u, u can check the binded ports by
sudo netstat -lntup
then if 53 was binded, u can unbind it with
fuser -k 53/tcp
fuser -k 53/udp
Then was able to run the DNS server
But still these website is down . Check this website
How to fix it ? @aaPanel_Kern I emailed you also the aapanel address to have a look at it