aaP_apidongblog aaPanel_Kern "After executing that command, the CPU is still at 100%, and breaking_through_check.py is still running " I have also restarted the server after executed.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, is the problem solved? Try clicking "Fix" on the homepage interface to repair the panel. Can this problem be solved? Or use the command bt 16 to repair aaP_adikolok6 aaP_apidongblog
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please check what is causing this. You can use the top command or the monitoring interface to check which programs are occupying aaP_adikolok6
aaP_teknocupu aaPanel_Kern My problem was solved. It was happened because I have not set the DNS so aapanel always fails to update, and maybe cause a loop that make high process. After setting the DNS and updating aapanel (bt 16) everything is back to normal. Thank you for the solution.
aaP_teknocupu The same thing happened to me.. Three days ago, suddenly my server reached 100% CPU and 100% RAM. Panel cannot be accessed due to lack of CPU and RAM. After stopping the BT process with the command "service bt stop" CPU and RAM returned to normal. My server uses Ubuntu 22 and uses SATA HDD (not SSD). Are there other users who have the same server specifications as me and the same problem?
fj39jsGNedid Same problem here at Debian12 and aapanel 7.0.11. But I have not installed the DNS server so in my case it can't be due to that... Awaiting for the solution if somebody can spot it.
mihaitha fj39jsGNedid uninstall the DNS manager from the app store if you're not using a DNS. That solved the issue for me.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, can you use the monitoring interface or the top command to check which process is occupying the CPU? If it is BT-Task, please restart aapanel on the homepage first aaP_rd1
aaP_rd1 aaPanel_Kern its the btpython process, after killing it everything is fine, but after some time it comes back.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, try clicking the "Fix" repair panel on the homepage interface. Can this problem be solved? aaP_rd1
aaP_Manh aaPanel_Kern @" i try click "Fix" on AApanel Home dashboard, try "bt 16" on console, try pkill but it's still load 100% CPU. I looking for DNS setting on my AApanel Home dashboard but dont find it. i stop MySQL and update it