I can't do this, I can only share these details:
Only MySQL 5.7.37 and Google Drive 2.4 plugins are installed on the server.
Mysql is running in slave mode.
Crontab task type section is backup database and only the database I want is selected in the Backup Database section.
The resulting log is as follows:
/www/server/panel/plugin/gdrive/gdrive_main.py:249: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\c'
public.ExecShell('\cp -rp {} /root/gdrive_token.json'.format(self.__config_path))
/www/server/panel/plugin/gdrive/gdrive_main.py:316: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
file_regx = prefix_dict.get(data_type) + "(.+)20\d+\d+(?:.|)"
/www/server/panel/plugin/gdrive/gdrive_main.py:406: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'
c_type = str(re.findall("SET\s+([\w\d-]+)\s",tmp[0][1])[0])
/www/server/panel/plugin/gdrive/gdrive_main.py:553: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '['
rep = "[mysqldump]\nuser=root"
|-Start backup[2024-08-19 14:30:03]
|-Backup database:mydatabase
|-Database size: 2.39 GB
|-Database character set: utf8
|-Partition / available disk space is: 15.42 GB, available Inode is: 2280833
|-Start exporting database: 2024-08-19 14:30:03
|-Compression completed, took 91.14 seconds, compressed package size: 376.18 MB
|-Uploading to Google Drive, please wait ...
Upload Success ,File ID: 19I2JbtW15**************-
|-Successfully uploaded to Google Drive
|-Database has been backed up to: /www/backup/database/db_mydatabase_20240819_143003.sql.gz
|-User settings do not retain local backups, deleted /www/backup/database/db_mydatabase_20240819_143003.sql.gz
|-Keep the latest number of backups: 10 copies
delete ok
|-Expired backup files have been cleaned from Google Drive: db_mydatabase_20240819_120003.sql.gz
|-Backup completed[2024-08-19 14:31:46]