aaPanel_Kern Use the default first sudo mv /www/server/panel/ssl /www/server/panel/ssl_bak sudo \cp /www/server/panel/ssl_init /www/server/panel/ssl sudo bt restart aaP_wwnsugianto
aaP_wwnsugianto aaPanel_Kern sudo \cp /www/server/panel/ssl_init /www/server/panel/ssl cp: -r not specified; omitting directory '/www/server/panel/ssl_init'
aaPanel_Kern aaP_wwnsugianto sudo \cp -arpf/www/server/panel/ssl_init /www/server/panel/ssl bt restart or rm -f /www/server/panel/data/ssl.pl bt restart
aaP_wwnsugianto aaPanel_Kern rm -f /www/server/panel/data/ssl.pl ok kern, it works.. now I have entered the panel with a local IP, for SSL now there is an error as shown in the picture, what is the solution
aaPanel_Kern It means that the certificate is incorrect and nginx cannot recognize it. Will trying to reconfigure it fix it? aaP_wwnsugianto
aaPanel_Kern aaP_wwnsugianto try rm -f /tmp/update_to7.pl curl -k https://node.aapanel.com/install/update_7.x_en.sh | bash
aaP_wwnsugianto aaPanel_Kern ok kern, thank you very much for helping, now I can access the panel via Public IP. and the main domain can be accessed, for sub domains the panel can also be accessed even without SSL.