aaP_multidev.spzoo Please help, the server is set to send. The website runs smoothly on the server managed by aapanel, but there is a problem with receiving and sending e-mails because there is no coding and the messages arrive as in the picture. Does anyone know how to set it so that UTF-8 works?
aaP_multidev.spzoo I have aapanel installed on Ubuntu 22, there is a website, WordPress and a mailing server, everything works, but I don't know where to set the message encoding to UTF-8 Where is this option in aapanel or what add-on do I need to download so that the emails are encoded in the correct form?
aaP_multidev.spzoo Additionally, this mailing server is connected to mailwizz, DNS is set in 10/10 tests, everything works fine, smtp, imtp and ssl, but there is no message encoding, where to set it?