aaPanel_Kern This script was not created by me. The cron job was recognized today, after exploring the issues. It seems to be that the job checks daily if one or more of the certificates should be renewed. I’m not sure what I should fix.
Should I fix the python script? Or should I hit the “fix”-link?
After my manual renewal for all the domains, the script was started. It showed that at the log:
★[2024-07-17 18:57:51] Successful
/www/server/panel/class/acme_v2.py:722: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '.'
'if ($request_uri ~ "^/.well-known/acme-challenge/{}.*"){{\n'
/www/server/panel/class/acme_v2.py:931: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'
return public.get_msg_gettext("Issuance failed, the root domain name of domain name %s exceeds the maximum weekly issuance limit!" % re.findall("hours:\s+(.+?),", error))
|-No SSL certificate found within 30 days!
|-All tasks have been processed!
I started now the script again, and it just said: [2024-07-18 02:28:08] Successful
Btw, with manual renewal, I referred to aapanel / Website / Site Name / SSL / Disable + Let’s Encrypt + Select several Domain names + Apply.