Rayr Greetings, I can receive and send the mails from the Mail Server app option but can't auto send via SMTP. Kindly find the attached error. Thank you.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, check your website configuration. If the website and mail server are on the same server, it is recommended to use the intranet address or port 25, and turn off SMTP security. Rayr
Rayr aaPanel_Kern Hi, current ENV mail configuration MAIL_MAILER="smtp" MAIL_HOST="mail.domain.com" MAIL_PORT="465" MAIL_USERNAME="info@domain.com" MAIL_PASSWORD="qwerty" MAIL_ENCRYPTION="TLS" MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="info@domain.com" MAIL_FROM_NAME="SENDER NAME" Kindly, how do I configure as you advised earlier? thank you.
aaPanel_Kern try: MAIL_MAILER="smtp" MAIL_HOST="mail.domain.com" MAIL_PORT="25" MAIL_USERNAME=" info@domain.com " MAIL_PASSWORD="qwerty" MAIL_ENCRYPTION="None" MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=" info@domain.com " MAIL_FROM_NAME="SENDER NAME"
Rayr Hello, the initial ENV configuration worked although I had to include "'verify_peer' => false," under config/mail.php. Thank you