aaPanel_Kern Change Log: Fix existing problems with new user registration prompts Fix left menu hiding problem Fix purchase payment issue Fix aaPanel Mobile QR code display problem Optimize update display logic Tip: After upgrading, please press Ctrl + F5 to force refresh This version will be updated to Python 3.12, please read this post before updating: aaPanel operating environment upgrade to Python 3.12 Questions and answering If you encounter problems during use: Take a screenshot of the error message, Provide the operating system and system version you are using and provide feedback to the forum.
jazz1611 aaPanel_Kern hello, i have got a bug with Debian server. i have installed only the nginx but in homepage it show other apps with stopped but i don't have install that apps.
taicao In aapanel version 7.0.3, when I install any application like memcached, redis... and then uninstall it, the application icon still remains on the control panel's homepage. I reinstalled aapanel but the issue persists.