aaPanel_Kern Please check whether the sudo command exists in the system? If it does not exist please try to install it manually apt install sudo or yum install sudo aaP_ithelptask
aaPanel_Kern aaP_ithelptask try sudo -u www /www/server/php/83/bin/php -q /www/wwwroot/send.dealmega.com/artisan schedule:run 2>&1
aaP_gustavobuitron try this php /www/wwwroot/send.dealmega.com/artisan/ schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 let me know
ByEzel aaPanel_Kern no it doesn't work again. i tried the command in this thread and it didn't work πhttps://www.aapanel.com/forum/d/13069-how-to-run-a-laravel-file-with-cron-job/8
aaPanel_Kern Hello, I didn't understand. Is it normal to run the command directly using the ssh tool or terminal? ByEzel
aaPanel_Kern Please execute the command according to your website program requirements. The screenshots are for reference only. ByEzel