I am using the below cron jobs:
/www/server/php/81/bin/php -q /www/wwwroot/send.dealmega.com/artisan schedule:run 2>&1
Then the Cron jobs log:
PHP Warning: Module "pdo_pgsql" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
[2024-05-21T14:37:49+00:00] Running scheduled command: cronjob_event:log
[2024-05-21T14:37:49+00:00] Running scheduled command: '/www/server/php/81/bin/php' 'artisan' geoip:check > '/dev/null' 2>&1
[2024-05-21T14:37:50+00:00] Running scheduled command: check_and_execute_scheduled_campaigns
[2024-05-21T14:37:50+00:00] Running scheduled command: '/www/server/php/81/bin/php' 'artisan' queue:work --queue=default,batch --tries=1 --max-time=180 > '/dev/null' 2>&1
Cron issue from admin dashboard:
CronJob issue
Cronjob process is executed by 'root' which might cause permission issues. Make sure the cronjob process owner is the same as the acellemail/ folder's owner
How can I solve this problem?
Advanced thanks.