JAY to all users when you are on live server dont update any latest updates untill some one says its ok. only update if you are testing on non critical system now wait for the dev to revert it back.
aaPanel_Jose technothumb JAY KrzysztofMaciejewski Kasi The panel is gradually deviating from the independent permission of bt.cn. This update has modified an interface to obtain the app list. The configuration of this interface calls the value corresponding to the home key in/www/server/panel/config/config.json So it affects the use of old users You can fix it in two ways Modify /www/server/panel/config/config.json "home":"https://www.bt.cn" To "home":"https://console.aapanel.com" Click to update the software list Repair the panel Click to update the software list
thiagotgc I'm using ICMP Block, but I need an IP to be able to have ping responses. How can I do it? By GUI I did not find how, and via IPTABLES is not accepting iptables -A IN_public_allow -s x.x.x.x -p ICMP --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
torosa As I already had it installed and configured I didn't notice the problems. I went to install on a new server. In Setting. It does not change: Alias, port does not add domain to change the IP everything is in an infinite lupe. I don't know if the problem serves 2cpu and 4gb. To install the apps, Apache only takes a long time. There was no error in the translation. I do not know if the email problem does not accept ssl has been solved I will test it yet.
sirfpsycho aaPanel_Jose I tried to save in panel setting but nothing is being saved. I have Clicked on FIX, Restarted Panel, Restarted server. But still I am not able to save anything in Panel setting. It only shows Saving configuration... Here is the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tvu85l
aaPanel_Jose sirfpsycho Please fix the panel and force a refresh of the browser This is because the empty parameters cannot be passed after the panel communication is encrypted