aaPanel_Kern PM2 does not configure the node environment. It is recommended that you use the full path to restart. /www/server/nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/pm2 -u www restart bca aaP_titanyusfi123
aaP_titanyusfi123 I have tried using this /www/server/nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/pm2 -u www restart bca but can't, help me
aaPanel_Kern Still the same problem? Is it the same when executing commands in the ssh tool? aaP_titanyusfi123
aaP_titanyusfi123 in ssh only pm2 restart bca work but I want to automatically restart with a cronjob but it doesn't work
aaPanel_Kern aaP_titanyusfi123 Did you use the pm2 manager to create the project or the node project?