Recently I encountered a situation where my mysql and nginx stopped and had to be restarted manually. It doesn't have a specific stop time, I checked and couldn't find the cause. So I need a cron command to run and check if mysql and nginx status is stopped and then turn it back on. Please help me do this.
Thank you!

  • aaPanel_Kern replied to this.
  • Hello, it should be shut down by the system. It is recommended that you check whether the server memory is sufficient.
    Start command:
    /etc/init.d/nginx start
    /etc/init.d/mysqld start


    Hello, it should be shut down by the system. It is recommended that you check whether the server memory is sufficient.
    Start command:
    /etc/init.d/nginx start
    /etc/init.d/mysqld start


      I don't know anymore, my Server uses 6cpu and 16gb of ram. I checked and saw that the CPU and RAM never exceeded the 30% threshold. Actually I can't find the cause of this, it doesn't happen often just occasionally so I need to set a cron command to run every minute to check and turn it back on if it's turned off.
      When I run your command I get this message, I know this is not an error, but it shows up so does it have any effect?

      Hello, I suggest you check the system log to see if there is any relevant shutdown information?

        I currently see no record of shutting down nginx and mysql. Let me see if it registers next time.

        4 months later

        aaPanel_Kern /www/wwwroot/ I have to set cron in it, it is Openlitespeed server, I am very worried, no one is helping, does any of you know, please help.

        8 months later

        This Code work well


        Check MySQL server status

        service_status=$(sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld status)

        If the service is not running, restart it

        if [[ $service_status == "stopped" ]]; then
        echo "MySQL server is down. Restarting..."
        sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start

        # Check the status again after attempting to start
        if [[ $(sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld status) == *"running"* ]]; then
            echo "MySQL server restarted successfully."
            echo "Failed to restart MySQL server."

        echo "MySQL server is running."