I tried and the same problem still exists.
2023-09-12 9:47:28 - PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /www/wwwroot/.com/////.php
2023-09-12 9:47:28 - PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto in /www/wwwroot/.com//////.php
2023-09-12 9:47:28 - PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://cdn1.xmlbankasi.com/p1/xvjgtziltesv/image/data/xml/modamixnew1.xml): failed to open stream: operation failed in /www/wwwroot/.com//////.php
aaPanel_Kern Please can you help with this?
The site has been down since yesterday!
ubuntu + Apache + php 7.4