I suggest you check whether you have modified the mysql log configuration? Check the mysql log for errors
MySQLd service failed to start (after restarting server)
Hello, try to refer to this post to solve it?
gosh youre my lifesaver Kern! Thanks
Ok, watch out for daily backups
if my case how to fix it ?
Hello, what have you done? Try the server to do a snapshot backup and then operate
please use the root authority to execute the command
Is it normal to try to move the file away?
cd /www/server/data/
mv ibdata1 /tmp/ibdata1.bak
mv ib_logfile0 /tmp/ib_logfile0.bak
mv ib_logfile1 /tmp/ib_logfile1.bak
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
please hlep me
Hi, please describe your problem in detail.
If you delete the prompted directory by mistake, please find a professional company to help you restore important data
If there is no database, you can reinstall mysql
how can i reinstall mysql?
- Edited
i restart my server then mysql fail to start
Please check whether the mysql configuration file has changed the database storage directory?
i dont change anything
It is recommended that you check this file /etc/my.cnf
aaPanel_Kern cant find it
Hello, please check if there are any files in this directory?
ls -l /www/server/data
i have reintsall aapanel
pls how can i stop this its genereting itself and its eating up my storage
mysql8 close binary log
Added in the configuration:
binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 600000