hello team,
i am using aapanel but it showing that my disk is used about 75% of 80gb of the disk space. i have only 3 domains added in which only 2 domain have websites and databases. Their size is very low. i have some pre-installed app in aapanel and some apps installed by me.
Apps names are
Apache 2.4.57 ( preinstalled)
MySQL 5.7.42 ( preinstalled)
PHP 8.1 & 8.0 (installed by me)
Pure-Ftpd 1.0.49 ( preinstalled)
phpMyAdmin 5.0 ( preinstalled)
Redis 7.0.11 (installed by me)
Dns Manager 3.6 (installed by me)
Mail Server 4.6 (installed by me)
References - https://prnt.sc/HTmLW81bcrAC, https://prnt.sc/00AdYz2zreZX, https://prnt.sc/s8c249_GiVO_https://prnt.sc/q-BplJ3eVjvQ
please guide to remove unnecessary space used by anything.