My company is a fairly big and popular hosting provider and is very successful in promoting your aapanel control panel on VPS servers with CentOS 7, Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10 operating servers.
Now we are faced with the task of automating the assembly of the images we need and installing the control panel on them the aapanel. We have successfully completed this automation and, as a result, we have a ready-made operating system with the aapanel installed. But there remains the last moment that I can’t automate, and we really need your help in solving this problem.
I would like automated install a recommended of the LNMP stack after installing the aapanel.
Let me explain all the details: In the case of using the panel, we always select only the LNMP stack and do not use the LAMP stack. We build, configure, install the OS, and install the aapanel using Packer by HashiCorp. Ultimately, after entering the control panel, we see a standard window with a choice of stack LNMP or LAMP.
Please tell me what are the options for automating the installation of LNMP stack without selecting installation in the control panel. Make it that all the necessary software is already installed and skip this step.
From what I have tried: this is running the script /www/server/panel/install/install_soft.sh with appropriate parameters, but not all software from the LNMP stack was installed correctly or not installed at all.
For example, nginx installed but did not start and the service gave a startup error, mysql did not install, like php and phpmyadmin. Only pure-ftpd has been installed and is running.
Also, I could not find options that were supposed to install the software in the control panel via the API.
If necessary, we are ready to provide all the necessary data regarding this process.
We are open to any options for solving this problem and automating the LNMP installation process, including paid assistance with this issue.
We offer to discuss your proposals for solving this problem, as well as all possible points, you can write to me at s.bogomolov@fornex.com for a more open dialogue.
Best regards,