Hi, Panel doesn't provide this extension, you can install it with command:
replace 74 with your php version
Make sure the libssh2 library and development packages are installed on your system. On Ubuntu or Debian, you can install it with:
sudo apt-get install libssh2-1-dev
On CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can install with the following command:
sudo yum install libssh2-devel
Download the ssh2 extension source code. You can download the latest version of the ssh2 extension source code from the PECL website:
wget https://pecl.php.net/get/ssh2
Unzip the source code and enter the directory:
tar -zxvf ssh2
cd ssh2-1.4
Use phpize to generate configuration files and Makefile:
Configure the extension:
./configure --with-ssh2
Compile the extension:
Install the extension:
sudo make install
Enable ssh2 extension in php.ini configuration file. Open the php.ini file and add the following lines:
Restart PHP for the changes to take effect.