The server is completely new. No activity was conducted from it.
The provider does not restrict ports.
This error began to occur during the new installation of the server. During the installation, many problems and glitches were observed.
The terminal was not working again, all mail services were disabled. I had to turn them on manually.
Apparently, some recent updates for Aapanel have arrived, which caused a lot of problems with installation.
Previously, this error did not haunt me.
The entire installation configuration is used the same as before, but now problems are visible at many stages.
I'll try reinstalling Lunix again. And reinstall aapanel. Perhaps the problem will disappear... but hardly.
Installation Command
yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh aapanel