Hello, any update on this?
I am receiving this error as well after my domain name SSL was expired
Common problems after opening the panel certificate
I just tried the setup on the test server and it worked fine
can i login to your panel to check? if possible, please send your login info to jose@aapanel.com
how can i use my custom SSL sir?
Hi, I have 2 domains. Both using positive ssl. Domain 1 for aaPanel and domain 2 for the site. When accessing Domain 2 there is an error "Your connection is not private". After checking the domain 2 still using the domain panel certificate 1. How to fix it? OS: Centos 8.
Paste your certificate into other certificate tabs and save
did you mean domain2 is using the wrong certificate?
have you try to reset the domain2 ssl?
aaPanel_Jose did you mean domain2 is using the wrong certificate?
have you try to reset the domain2 ssl?
Yes that's right, domain 2 using domain 1 certificate when accessed in browser. How do I reset it? it happened when I access domain 2 with www. If access domain 2 (https://domain.tld) without www there is no problem. Tried turn on and turn off site, disabled and enabled SSL but still have not secure message, DNS zone also has A record www pointing to right IP Address.
I use the Chrome browser.
Here are details.
As suggested aaPanel, after initial install aaPanel to change everything on setting. Previously I changed default site dir www/wwwroot to www/otherfoldername
I'm using nginx 1.17.10, php 7.4, Positive SSL, Forced Https ON, DNZ Zone A record www pointing to ip address, CNAME www pointing to domain.tld.
After checked. When user entry domain 2 in browser have various result:
- domain2.tld >> Secure. Auto forward to https://domain2.tld
- www.domain2.tld >> Not secure - 403 Forbidden. Not auto forward to https
- http://domain2.tld >> Secure auto forward to https://domain2.tld
- http://www.domain2.tld >> Not secure - 403 Forbidden. Not auto forward to https
- https://domain2.tld >> Secure
- https://www.domain2.tld >> Not secure. invalid/wrong certificate or domain1.tld certificate
When checked domain 1 in browser, everything is OK and autoforward to https except when user entry http://www.domain1.tld have result 403 Forbidden and not auto forward to https.
Other subdomain host.domain.tld with let's encript is OK and autoforward to https
So I have 3 problems.
- Wrong SSL on domain2.tld
- Not auto forward to https on both domain1.tld and domain2.tld
- Not secure - 403 Forbidden on both domain1.tld and domain2.tld
What's wrong?
I hope when user entry domain.tld or www.domain.tld by http or https, browser will display secure page and auto forward to https. Thanks.
Did you not add www.domain2.tld to the website management --> domain name management?
Yes I missed it. that was the cause of the problem and have fixed it. Thank you for creating such a simple and awesome panel.
I just installed aaPanel on my server and got the same problem that thiagotgc on 24 May 2020.
When Im trying to enable SSL on the panel, jumps the same small error window. I don't know how to solve it.
Any solution?
I have tried to activate the SSL with the domain already on: Settings -> Domain....
I have a "soft ban" on Let's Encrypt and I must try it again in one hour.
Its strange beacouse I just created a site and didn't had any problems with the SSL to that site. But still not working the SSL on the panel.
@aaPanel_Jose did you know how to solve my problem? Thanks!
It seems the problem is deeper. If I send the form without an email, it works. But shows a validation error.
If the form have an email address, the request is error 500.
What is your panel version? I have no problem testing on the latest version
Maybe I have same problem, button action don't work (Edge Browser)
baitasite Solved. I'm change port 8888 to another, now work!
- Edited
I am very satisfied by the performance of aaPanel and its features. I am loving it. I have enabled Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for my server panel and successfully executed it. I applied the SSL for my domain and it also successfully executed but the problem is I cant access my site by using http://maxmah.net
or https://maxmah.net
. What am I missing here. Could you please suggest me as early as possible.
This site can’t be reached maxmah.net refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
i want to moving to pro edition but affraid if my vps error, cause so many website in my vps with aapanel .... but maybe i move to pro if aa panel have modul for billing ... cheerss...