Can anyone please explain why the server is using 90% using the RAM? I am attaching the screenshot find it below.
My website is going down every 5 minutes due to the RAM.

    Hello, the memory is too small, it is recommended to check what program is occupying the memory.
    Try to adjust the configuration of php and mysql


      Hello, you can use the top command to see what application is taking up memory.
      You can also use the linux tools tool to add swap memory


      Use the ssh tool or terminal to execute the top command
      Install linux tools in app store to add swap memory
      Or add memory to the server provider

        Try these
        1.) Limit the Redis memory usage to 2500MB and so on (for your ram 256-378MB).
        2.) You use Apache, so you are novice. Other people don´t use this old thing... Try OpenLiteSpeed webserver.
        3.) I don´t know what type of webpages you have, but when have Wordpress, you can try another type of modern databases, like MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.6.
        4.) MySQL optimization how much MB ram you set? You have very small amount of ram...

        It shows that there are already 3070M and 576M is used
        It is recommended to add physical memory, which needs to be added by the server provider