I have installed aapanel , ubuntu 22.04 on my corporate internal VPS.
Normally, I have to set up a proxy before I can use the internet.
I have set as follows.
root@ubuntu:~# env | grep -i proxy
I ran the OS update command and wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh && sudo bash install.sh aapanel normally.
When finished installing aapanel, I go to control panel page, it shows error message as follows.
REQUEST_DATE: 2023-03-07 11:39:16
OS_VERSION: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS x86_64(Py3.7.8)
REQUEST_URI: POST /plugin?action=get_index_list
USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/init.py", line 1805, in publicObject
return run_exec().run(toObject, defs, get)
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/init.py", line 1757, in run
result = getattr(toObject,get.action)(get)
File "class/panelPlugin.py", line 743, in get_index_list
softList = self.get_cloud_list(get)['list']
File "class/panelPlugin.py", line 404, in get_cloud_list
softList['list'] = self.get_local_plugin(softList['list'])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
I can't access the app store page either.
I previously installed aapanel , ubuntu 22.04 on pararells desktop for mac, it works. And it shows basic server information in settings page.
But my organization's VPS doesn't show any information.
How do I fix this problem?