JAY @aaPanel_Jose i can see many users are using CF for there site and facing issues on mail domain cont add under CF while adding domain iam getting below error can by adding api or any trick we can make working email system to send receive but when i disable DNS records in CF it will work
aaPanel_Jose JAY Sorry my English grammar is not very good, can you elaborate or attach a screenshot? Thank you
JAY when domain is under CF mail flow is not working i mean iam unable to add mails server to aapanel i get above error while add domain to mail server
JAY if i dont enable proxy for records then there is no use of using CF that is why iam asking can we do anything via api.
aaPanel_Jose The problem is that CF does not proxy ports other than 80 and 443 after enabling the proxy
XENNTEC aaPanel_Jose Wouldn't one of those ports work? https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/get-started/network-ports Running into the same issue, and its a big bummer, either no email server or CF is useless :/ Cloudflare also added their new E-Mail service/add-on for Beta access, maybe some kind of implementation of that would work?
XENNTEC aaPanel_Jose Yes I understand that, but that would make the whole anti-ddos/proxy feature of Cloudflare useless. Which is the only reason some of us use it :o