aaP_ptakx I edited the installer script as I mentioned already. The installer script is this: http://www.aapanel.com/script/install_6.0_en.sh
Line 146: nodes=(http://node.aapanel.com http://dg2.bt.cn http://dg1.bt.cn;
Replaced it with nodes=(http://node.aapanel.com;
Line 184: NODE_URL='http://download.bt.cn';
Replaced it with NODE_URL='http://node.aapanel.com';
Line 219: curl -Ss --connect-timeout 3 -m 60 http://download.bt.cn/install/yumRepo_select.sh|bash
Replaced it with curl -Ss --connect-timeout 3 -m 60 http://note.aapanel.com/install/yumRepo_select.sh|bash
Line 224: getBtTime=$(curl -sS --connect-timeout 3 -m 60 http://www.bt.cn/api/index/get_time)
Replaced it with my own implementation of unix timestamp api, but you can leave it as is.
Line 670: isHosts=$(cat /etc/hosts|grep 'www.bt.cn')
Replaced it with isHosts=$(cat /etc/hosts|grep 'node.aapanel.com')
Line 673: echo " www.bt.cn" >> /etc/hosts
Replaced it with echo " node.aapanel.com" >> /etc/hosts
Line 677: sed -i "/bt.cn/d" /etc/hosts
Replaced it with sed -i "/node.aapanel.com/d" /etc/hosts
I used iptables, fail2ban and the free version of NGINX Firewall, as well as Cloudflare. I cannot share my firewall rules because they are paid, but Clouflare FREE as a proxy should do the work for you too with minimum settings.
For example if you use Wordpress you should definitely change admin url, and block the old URIs from your server's firewall as well from your Cloudflare Firewall. (Edit) Also, you should protect your new admin login URI, from failed logins or throttle/reject/ban the failed login tries to avoid brute force attacks [this is implemented via various plugins and/or firewall settings].
I did not install Mail Server such as Postfix, most attacks come from there.
From the Security tab you can change the SSH port. You must change the default ports from any service you can.
I enabled aaPanel login notifications, as well as 2FA like Google Authentication.