bassam Hello please support check your email i send email to you for help me for set nameserver on my aapanel i need add nameserver ns1.domaixxxxxx. Ip my seever ns2.domaixxxxx. Ip my server
JAY you need to first register your IP in your registar as name servers - your ip - your ip then install panel and install addon DNS and add your domain and nameservers thats it.
bassam Yes i doing it but how i can add my nameserver on aapanel ‘ please any video for how i can do it , thank you so much for help me
aaPanel_Jose bassam It seems that I don't need to check it for you, thank you for your use, please modify the panel login information in time
aaPanel_Jose dasdev Do you create a website for each domain name? Have you used https to access the domain name without ssl deployment?
dasdev aaPanel_Jose seemed everythig is ok now. having other issue. if i send email form gmail to my email it's not receiving. though i am receving mail form privet server. why?
Mangpekweng Do we have a full tutorial page? would like to see one. I also dont get it. DO I need to create a DNS in aapanel? how to register IP in registar