InoT KrzysztofMaciejewski what is your server configuration? Can you share the server provider's name and link?
donko its you.. my hetzner cloud server (cpx31) take 2 min mariadb, 4-5 min openlitespeed, 1 min php7.4
aaPanel_Jose InoT Did you use compile and install? Compilation and installation is very time-consuming and server performance, of course, if your server is not in the rapid installation support (centos, ubuntu) may automatically choose to compile and install for you
InoT aaPanel_Jose I used the fast option. I always tried on ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04. But it seems to always end up compiling in my case.
Ris Yes, it takes tens of minutes to install each application. The panel is very good, but the setup is extremely slow. Country Russia.
Ris Maybe you can consider the possibility of a new node in Europe? Europe is also a good place and there are a lot of fans of your panel here.
aaPanel_Jose Ris We have added nodes cached through CloudFlare proxy in the new installation package, you can get it through the repair panel
Ris I have a record! Install[php-7.4]2020-09-16 22:31:56FinishedTime-consuming1985sec And it's not download time. All this time, the installation was carried out.
PalBatey 4 hours has passed and only gninx and mysql has installed. At 70% on php7.4. My server has a decent speed as I have installed LEMP manually in minutes.
aaPanel_Jose PalBatey If you use compile and install, the speed will be slower. In addition, the environment package of ubuntu debian does not have a fast installation package, so compile and install will be selected by default