aapanel_user I found way to change endpoint. You need to add one line to the file /www/server/panel/plugin/aws_s3/s3lib/client/aws_s3.py Add endpoint_url = 'https://your-endpoint-url', after aws_secret_access_key=self.__secret_key, Save file and restart panel. Tested with Storj and Backblaze. One thing about Backblaze: Deleted files are marked as hidden and not deleted completely. But you can add Custom lifecycle rules for Bucket to completely delete hidden files.
kloudboy aapanel_user I'd like to add Hetzner object storage to my aaPanel backup. Is there an option available to do this, and if so, how do I configure it?
aumfoo 同样的配置,其他区域S3可以用,香港区域S3不能用......提示:API data verification failed, please verify! 自己研究了一下没解决,不知道什么原因。
aapanel_user kloudboy In the latest version of the plugin, you can specify all the parameters in the settings, you no longer need to edit the file. Just fill in the data provided by hetzner in the appropriate fields.
saptohadi For S3 Compatible, just edit the config file (config.conf) in /www/server/panel/plugin/aws_s3 Cheers