Hi, I facing three problems.

  1. I have installed php script in my main domain directory "domain.com" and now I want to install WordPress in subdirectory "domain.com/subdirectory" I have created subdirectory in domain.com by going to files. But now when I try to access domain.com/subdirectory it give 404 error. I have files in subdirectory too, not WordPress files but it is installer which should be accessible. Is there any solution for this?

  2. After domain binding in settings with ssl, now phpmyadmin is not accessible.

  3. I want to delete two databases but when I delete then it says database can not be moved to recycle bin.


    1. It is recommended to create a new WordPress site separately. 404 is that the file cannot be found, check whether the url rewirte is set? Please check according to the site log.

    2. Does phpmyadmin enable SSL? Or where is the SSL set up? The panel sets the domain?
      The panel is set with a domain and can only be accessed using the domain. ip will disable access to the panel
      phpmyadmin cannot be accessed, please check if phpmyadmin is installed? Is phpmyadmin running? Is the port used by phpmyadmin open?

    3. Try to turn off the database switch in the recycle bin of the Files interface. Does deleting the database then solve it?

    1. I need to install in subdirectory, I don't know coding, can you tell what rewrite rules should be? domain.com has php script installed and domain.com/subdirectory, where I need to install WordPress.

    2. I am using OpenLiteSpeed Server, In PhpMyAdmin ssl says not available this function with OLS server, I have sets panel domain and installed ssl also for panel domain from settings. Phpmyadmin accessing using panel domain, not using ip. Port is open, Phpmyadmin is running.

    3. Resolved. Thanks.


      1. Can domain.com be accessed normally? domain.com/subdirectory cannot be accessed, please check the site configuration, logs

      2. Is phpmyadmin accessible now? If not, please provide details what the browser prompts? You can use this website to check for open ports:

      1. domain.com is accessible normally and appeared in log, but domain.com/subdirectory did not appear in log and is not accessible. it says page not found.

      2. port is open but phpmyadmin is not accessible.


        1. There are no access logs and error logs? If not. Then there is no entry into this site. Do you have waf installed?
        2. Can you provide information to indicate what? What is the error of not being able to access?


          1. Its now working, I have installed WordPress in domain.com/blog directory, now its backend is working fine but the frontend only domain.com/blog is working, but all other pages are not working those gives 404 error. For example: "domain.com/blog/contact-us".
            .htaccess file is there in /blog directory and the separate .htaccess in domain.com directory.

            404: Refers to the visited page does not exist or the file path cannot be found
            Here it is necessary to distinguish whether the accessed page is a static page (html) or a dynamic page (php, etc.)

            If it is a static page accessing 404, then the file path may be wrong, or the site directory binding error,
            At this time, check whether the file path is correct and whether the site domain name binding directory is correct.

            If it is a dynamic page 404, then the pseudo-static setting may be wrong, you need to check whether the pseudo-static setting is correct
            At the same time, if php does not start normally or runs with high concurrency, it may also cause site 404
            At this time, you need to check the running status of php to see if it is running normally

            1. ok, I have changed the php version from 7.3 to 7.4 and now everything is working fine.
              And for me there is one more problem that I had inserted this piece of code in php 7.4 configuration file: auto_prepend_file = /www/wwwroot/domain.com/wordfence-waf.php for my other wordpress website. This code wont work for my this website.
              So, how can I add this piece of code in php configuration for specific 1 website, and this should not work for other websites.

            2. how can I get my wordpress website error log file?

              ok And for me there is one more problem that I had inserted this piece of code in php 7.4 configuration file: auto_prepend_file = /www/wwwroot/domain.com/wordfence-waf.php for my other wordpress website. This code wont work for my this website.
              So, how can I add this piece of code in php configuration for specific 1 website, and this should not work for other websites.

                6 days later


                And what about phpmyadmin? After domain binding in settings with ssl, now phpmyadmin is not accessible.
                This is one big issue troubling me...

                  When I add domain from settings and add SSL for that domain, phpMyAdmin also changes the URL from IP to domain but when I try to open it, it wont. Subdomain is not set as proxied in Cloudflare. And Panel works completely fine.

                    a year later

                    I also want to install wordpress on my website's subdirectory. but I cannot. I want to create banksinfo.us/blog/
                    Can anyone help me?