hello admin please help
MySQL Current status:Off
i click reload and i click restart sql and also start sql ans never on
it's show it's off
i click upqrade it's same problem i don't know how i can do
please any help
Current status:Off | please hellp
Hi, please check the mysql log. What error content is displayed?
cat /www/server/data/*.err|grep -i -C 10 error
-bash: tc-heuristic-recover=rollback: command not found
[modernbit1999@instance-3 ~]$ root
-bash: root: command not found
[modernbit1999@instance-3 ~]$ tc-heuristic-recover=rollback
-bash: tc-heuristic-recover=rollback: command not found
[modernbit1999@instance-3 ~]$ sudo -s tc-heuristic-recover=rollback
[root@instance-3 modernbit1999]# tc-heuristic-recover=rollback
bash: tc-heuristic-recover=rollback: command not found
[root@instance-3 modernbit1999]# sudo rpm
RPM version 4.11.3
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
Usage: rpm [-aKfgpqVcdLilsiv?] [-a|--all] [-f|--file] [-g|--group] [-p|--package] [--pkgid] [--hdrid]
[--triggeredby] [--whatrequires] [--whatprovides] [--nomanifest] [-c|--configfiles] [-d|--docfiles]
[-L|--licensefiles] [--dump] [-l|--list] [--queryformat=QUERYFORMAT] [-s|--state] [--nofiledigest]
[--nofiles] [--nodeps] [--noscript] [--allfiles] [--allmatches] [--badreloc] [-e|--erase <package>+]
[--excludedocs] [--excludepath=<path>] [--force] [-F|--freshen <packagefile>+] [-h|--hash]
[--ignorearch] [--ignoreos] [--ignoresize] [-i|--install] [--justdb] [--nodeps] [--nofiledigest]
[--nocontexts] [--noorder] [--noscripts] [--notriggers] [--nocollections] [--oldpackage] [--percent]
[--prefix=<dir>] [--relocate=<old>=<new>] [--replacefiles] [--replacepkgs] [--test]
[-U|--upgrade <packagefile>+] [--reinstall=<packagefile>+] [-D|--define 'MACRO EXPR'] [--undefine=MACRO]
[-E|--eval 'EXPR'] [--macros=<FILE:...>] [--noplugins] [--nodigest] [--nosignature]
[--rcfile=<FILE:...>] [-r|--root ROOT] [--dbpath=DIRECTORY] [--querytags] [--showrc] [--quiet]
[-v|--verbose] [--version] [-?|--help] [--usage] [--scripts] [--setperms] [--setugids] [--setcaps]
[--restore] [--conflicts] [--obsoletes] [--provides] [--requires] [--info] [--changelog] [--xml]
[--triggers] [--last] [--dupes] [--filesbypkg] [--fileclass] [--filecolor] [--fscontext]
[--fileprovide] [--filerequire] [--filecaps]
[root@instance-3 modernbit1999]# sudo rpm tc-heuristic-recover=rollback
RPM version 4.11.3
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
Usage: rpm [-aKfgpqVcdLilsiv?] [-a|--all] [-f|--file] [-g|--group] [-p|--package] [--pkgid] [--hdrid]
[--triggeredby] [--whatrequires] [--whatprovides] [--nomanifest] [-c|--configfiles] [-d|--docfiles]
[-L|--licensefiles] [--dump] [-l|--list] [--queryformat=QUERYFORMAT] [-s|--state] [--nofiledigest]
[--nofiles] [--nodeps] [--noscript] [--allfiles] [--allmatches] [--badreloc] [-e|--erase <package>+]
i can send yo you my info panel for checking
give me ur email id please
Hi, please check the mysql log. What error content is displayed?
cat /www/server/data/*.err|grep -i -C 10 error
you men this from my ssh root ?
2022-07-05T04:03:48.862489Z 0 [Warning] option 'max_allowed_packet': unsigned value 107374182400 adjusted to 107374
2022-07-05T04:03:48.862708Z 0 [Warning] 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql mode
s should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.
2022-07-05T04:03:48.862720Z 0 [Warning] 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' sql mode was not set.
2022-07-05T04:03:48.862760Z 0 [Note] --secure-file-priv is set to NULL. Operations related to importing and exporti
ng data are disabled
2022-07-05T04:03:48.862818Z 0 [Note] /www/server/mysql/bin/mysqld (mysqld 5.7.38-log) starting as process 9496 ...
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885764Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: PUNCH HOLE support available
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885843Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885851Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885857Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885888Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11
2022-07-05T04:03:48.885897Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2022-07-05T04:03:48.886531Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
2022-07-05T04:03:49.062384Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2022-07-05T04:03:49.107318Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
2022-07-05T04:03:49.107435Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file '/www/server/data/ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writi
ng the file full; Please wait ...
2022-07-05T04:03:49.130508Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: File '/www/server/data/ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
2022-07-05T04:03:49.131742Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: 96 redo rollback segment(s) found. 96 redo rollback segment(s) are act
2022-07-05T04:03:49.131774Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: 32 non-redo rollback segment(s) are active.
2022-07-05T04:03:49.132119Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
2022-07-05T04:03:49.290094Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: 5.7.38 started; log sequence number 623838936493
2022-07-05T04:03:49.290528Z 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
mysqld: File './mysql-bin.000036' not found (Errcode: 2 - No such file or directory)
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295474Z 0 [ERROR] Failed to open log (file './mysql-bin.000036', errno 2)
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295482Z 0 [ERROR] Could not open log file
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295490Z 0 [ERROR] Can't init tc log
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295495Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295511Z 0 [Note] Binlog end
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295753Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'ngram'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295766Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'partition'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295771Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'BLACKHOLE'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295776Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'ARCHIVE'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295780Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295885Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MRG_MYISAM'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295899Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MyISAM'
2022-07-05T04:03:49.295916Z 0 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_VIRTUAL'
[modernbit1999@instance-3 ~]$
cat is to view the file, can't you copy and paste?
cat /www/server/data/*.err|grep -i -C 10 error
i cant copy past i make screen shot please check
Hi, have you done anything? Or did the server lose power? Prompt mysql-bin.000036 file does not exist
Try to delete ./mysql-bin.000036 from the content of this /www/server/data/mysql-bin.index file, and then restart mysql. Can it be solved?
It can be operated in the "File" interface of the panel
wooow good
i delete file mysql-bin.000036
and i click start mysql and it's working prefect now
thank you so much for help me
good support
thank you so much and have a good days for you sir
thank you