I have a working mail server with aapanel ubuntu 20.04
But sometimes i get a customer who calls me in panic mode telling me it's not working.
Today it was because i automatically blocked their ip after 10 wrong login attemps in 2 minutes
So i said it was because the firewall blocked their ip,s after to many wrong login attemps.
But most of the times this happens. Its because after x hours or x days (max 3-4 days) the mail accounts lose smtp connection.
And i need to manually restart server from panel and start dovecot (sometimes its autostarted) to make the mail server working again.
What can i do to stop the mailserver from stopping randomly working?
Should i use smtp relay?
Should i use other version dovecot?
Can i manually update dovecot without issues and will the UI still wortk?
I dont know please help share your knowledge Many thanks!