JAY or you can use seo tool to check your website gzip-compression status check-gzip-compression Tool
aaP_themepluginworld @aaPanel_Jose I want to disable gzip compression also how can i disable it for zip files only i tried apache configuration to disable gzip but still geting contetn encoding gzip in header response when download a zip file from server please help
aaPanel_Kern Hello, are you using a CDN or something like that? Whether to restart apache after modifying the configuration aaP_themepluginworld
aaP_themepluginworld aaPanel_Kern no i am not i restarted apache after configuration as well but still gzip the zip files
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please check the configuration file. It is not enabled by default. aaP_themepluginworld
aaP_themepluginworld @aaPanel_Kern No i am facing this issue when try to send email postfix/smtps/smtpd[21138]: lost connection after CONNECT from mydomain.com [server ip] pleae help
aaPanel_Kern Hello, I suggest you provide more information or screenshots. I can’t tell what the problem is. aaP_themepluginworld