Hi guys,
Finally managed to install my mail server, but I having a problem when trying to foward email from my server to my GMAIL.
- I can send email from my server to my gmail
- I can send email from my server to outlook
- I can send email from my outlook/gmail to my server
- I can't make my mail fowarded when I send from my outlook to my server (which is suppose to foward the email to my gmail)
I'm getting this error from google :
<my_personnal_email@gmail.com> (expanded from <hello@my_server.fr>): host
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[] said: 550-5.7.26 This message
does not have authentication information or fails to 550-5.7.26 pass
authentication checks. To best protect our users from spam, the 550-5.7.26
message has been blocked. Please visit 550-5.7.26
When I test from https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/checkmx/, its saying that I don't have DKIM setted
Here's my server configuration :
Here's the mail foward configuration :
Do you have any ideas?
And, again, wonderfull pannel, great work here!
EDIT : can't edit title anymore, but actually it's not only about gmail, I can't make foward work at all. Only gmail giving me some error logs.